搜索:.NET Core Worker Service, 为您找到相关结果约 1092条结果, 这是第 10 -20 条。 [搜索用时:131 毫秒]

ASP.NET Core Background Service-How to write and Install ASP.NET Core Web application as Windows ServicesIn .NET Core 3

  step 1: Creating a Default Web Application We start with new default ASP.NET Core 3.x web applicationCore runtime on the target machine.few extra flags :   1 dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 --self-contained This tells the .NETCore SDK that we want to release as self contained, and it’s for Windows.Content Root The fact that .NET Core is open source literally saves hours of debugging every single

12/15/2017 34字 ViewCount:4786 Score: 17.594006; ASP.NET Core 3.x ASP.NET Core Background Task

how to Configure ASP.NET Core to work with Reverse Proxy servers(nginx)

-v nginx version: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)   Configure a reverse proxy server  for single serviceA reverse proxy terminates the HTTP request and forwards it to the ASP.NET Core app.Configure Nginx o configure Nginx as a reverse proxy to forward requests to your ASP.NET Core app, modifyFirst we’ll just create a new ASP.NET Core web application.#number of worker processes to spawnworker_processes 1;#maximum number of connectionsevents { worker_connections

7/29/2016 0字 ViewCount:2906 Score: 15.507001; Nginx

Cannot resolve scoped service from root provider singleton

Issue Description .NET Core runtime gives error, 1.System.InvalidOperationException- Cannot resolveand you have created your service as scoped-service.So, you cannot inject a scoped-service into the constructor of a singleton-service because it forcessee below detail:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/dependency-injection?see:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/middleware/extensibility?

10/5/2020 0字 ViewCount:11783 Score: 15.433831; .NET Core

Publishing and Running ASP.NET Core Applications with IIS

IIS and ASP.NET Core The most important thing to understand about hosting ASP.NET Core is that it runsClassic ASP.NET Hosting Before we take a look at ASP.NET Core hosting lets review how classic ASP.NETruns ASP.NET applications: In a classic ASP.NET application everything is hosted inside of an IIS WorkerASP.NET Core with IIS Things are quite different with ASP.NET Core which doesn't run in-process to theActivation Service).

6/7/2016 0字 ViewCount:2612 Score: 14.675069; ASP.NET Core

A "Entity Framework-esque" service for MongoDB for usage in ASP.NET 5.

https://github.com/mausworks/MongoDB   MausWorks.MongoDB Service A "Entity Framework-esque" servicefor MongoDB for usage in ASP.NET 5.Startup.cs public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { // No service

11/15/2015 0字 ViewCount:1421 Score: 13.60959; MongoDB

如何彻底的卸载和删除Windows service

最后终于找到办法了: 1.常规做法,批处理命令卸载 通过管理员权限运行CMD,输入如下命令 Net Stop ServiceName sc delete ServiceName其中ServiceNameservice is marked as deletion”。导致windows service不能部署,也不能被删除,使用 SC 命令也不奏效。 最后我们可以尝试: 1. 关闭所有windows service控制面板。 2.查找windows service的PID:管理员权限运行CMD,并且输入如下命令后运行:SC queryex service_name 其中service_name为你的服务名 3.杀掉进程:然后再次输入命令:taskkill /PID service_pid /f     其中将service_pid替换为上面显示的PID的值 这样就至此就可以完全卸载掉了。

6/24/2020 300字 ViewCount:1527 Score: 13.448993; .NET Core Worker Service

ASP.NET Core 内置系统日志 Logging使用说明

在 ASP.Net Core 中内置了日志系统,并提供了一个统一的日志接口,ASP.Net Core 系统以及其它第三方类库等都使用这个日志接口来记录日志,而不关注日志的具体实现,这样便可以在我们的应用程序中进行统一的配置ASP.NET Core or EF Core.      注册日志服务 ASP.NET Core 全部使用依赖注入,更好的规范我们的代码。lt;summary> /// come from:https://www.iaspnetcore.com/Blog/BlogPost/5e24e2472328b1510a7767f9/net-core-worker-service-as-windows-services参考微软官方文档:Introduction to Logging in ASP.NET Core .

7/9/2017 1681字 ViewCount:3559 Score: 13.238576; ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core Logging

ASP.NET Core PWA Series: What are Progressive Web Apps?

app platform,  developers have the ability to leverage these browser APIs and create PWAs using .NET不依赖网络连接 - 通过 service workers 可以在离线或者网速极差的环境下工作。持续更新 - 受益于 service worker 的更新进程,应用能够始终保持更新。安全 - 通过 HTTPS 来提供服务来防止网络窥探,保证内容不被篡改。可发现 - 得益于 W3C manifests 元数据和 service worker 的登记,让搜索引擎能够找到 web 应用。再次访问 - 通过消息推送等特性让用户再次访问变得容易。

4/19/2020 1546字 ViewCount:2201 Score: 12.9720545; ASP.NET Core PWA

Awesome .NET Core Collection - List of .NET Open source project

TrackableEntities.Core - Change-tracking across service boundaries with .NET Core.OpenCQRS - .NET Core library for DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing with Azure Service Bus integration.Tossit - Simple, easy to use library for distributed job/worker logic.Windows Service dotnet-win32-service - Set up and run as Windows Service directly from .NET Core.distributed-playground - Distributed service playground with Vagrant, Consul, Docker & ASP.NET Core

7/26/2016 0字 ViewCount:4328 Score: 12.7677145; .NET Core