搜索:Redis, 为您找到相关结果约 74条结果, 这是第 0 -10 条。 [搜索用时:53 毫秒]

CachingFramework.Redis-.NET Redis client library based on StackExchange.Redis

https://github.com/thepirat000/CachingFramework.Redis    CachingFramework.Redis .NET RedisRedis data set.Fully compatible with Redis Cluster: all commands are cluster-safe.See the Redis notification documentation.StackExchange.Redis API To use the StackExchange.Redis API, call the GetConnectionMultiplexer() method

1/18/2018 0字 ViewCount:3729 Score: 16.781956; Redis

Redis客户端汇总.(NET Redis client library)

2.Redis - Monitoring Extension https://www.appdynamics.com/community/exchange/extension/redis-monitoring-extension/ Redis is an in memory key-value data store.The Redis monitoring extension gathers Redis server statistics and display them in AppDynamics Metric  3.StackExchange.Redis https://github.com/StackExchange/StackExchange.Redis 4.ServiceStack.Redishttps://github.com/ServiceStack/ServiceStack.Redis 5.StackExchange.Redis.Extensions https://github.com

5/8/2016 6字 ViewCount:2021 Score: 16.2195; Redis

StackExchange.Redis-How to add Generic List to Redis?

string State { get; set; } } Example: var customers = new List<Customer>(); StackExchange.Redisis a raw client - it talks in Redis terms only.   created 2 extension methods, which help me serialize/deserialize complex type for RedisRedis 的List类型和 .NET领域还有所不同,实际上,它是一个双向队列,可以左右插入值。//下面的database 是redis的数据库对象.

7/14/2016 150字 ViewCount:6107 Score: 15.863857; Redis

Auto Complete with Redis

 I hope the topic of this post will be very interesting for many Redis users, and for many non Rediszadd zset 0 foo (integer) 1 redis> zadd zset 0 bar (integer) 1 redis> zadd zset 0 x (integer) 1redis> zadd zset 0 z (integer) 1 redis> zadd zset 0 a (integer) 1 redis> zrange zset 0 -1 1(note that indexes are zero based) redis> zrank zset bar (integer) 1 redis> zrange zset 2 -1 1. If the user is writing "fo" we do the following: redis> zrank zset fo (integer) 5 redis>

6/13/2016 0字 ViewCount:1599 Score: 15.752813; Redis


_logger.LogInformation($"{DateTime.Now.ToString()} 开始连接Redis数据库"); var configurationOptions= ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(configurationOptions); //解决redis超时问题 redis.PreserveAsyncOrderRedis超时的问题,但改成异步之后发现错误非常少了,但却可能通过前后记日志之类的发现Redis命令非常慢。我不喜欢写文章,但发现最近有好几篇说redis超时的问题,最终我还是想把自己的踩坑的心得分享给大家。    这在里说一个好消息,那就是StackExchange.Redis 2.0已经从重构了异步队列,使用管道方式解决异步慢的问题 .

8/8/2018 736字 ViewCount:3147 Score: 15.128267; Redis

How to Install Redis on Windows server

step 1:visit https://redis.io/download https://github.com/MicrosoftArchive/redis   step 2:downloadredis source zip https://codeload.github.com/microsoftarchive/redis/zip/win-3.2.100   Redis2019/09/22 00:25 246,272 redis-check-aof.exe 2019/09/22 00:25 175,956 redis-check-rdb.obj2019/09/22 00:26 1,228,288 redis-server.exe 2019/09/22 00:26 12,267,520 redis-server.pdbon Windows server \Redis\redis.windows.conf # maxmemory <bytes> 1073741824 maxmemory 1024*1024

6/8/2019 19字 ViewCount:2985 Score: 15.087236; Redis

How to Install or Uninstall Redis on Ubuntu 18.04

(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 2201 ExecStart=/usr/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.confEdit the Redis configuration file in a text editor to make changes sudo vim /etc/redis/redis.conf Updateredis-cli info redis-cli info stats redis-cli info server output redis-cli info server # Serverredis_version:4.0.9 redis_git_sha1:00000000 redis_git_dirty:0 redis_build_id:9435c3c2879311f3 redis_modeDownload, extract and compile Redis https://redis.io/download 3.How to Install Redis on Ubuntu 18.04

10/5/2019 0字 ViewCount:7282 Score: 15.0212; Redis Ubuntu

How to set a password for Redis on Ubuntu 18.04

  1.using redis-cli: root@server:~# redis-cli redis> AUTH your_redis_passwordredis> CONFIG SET requirepass "mypass" OK redis> AUTH mypassOk redis> CONFIG SET requirepass "" OK redis> AUTH PASSWORD (redis configuration file redis.conf sudo vi /etc/redis/redis.conf find and uncomment line : set a password for redis https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7537905/redis-set-a-password-for-redis

1/12/2020 0字 ViewCount:3458 Score: 14.989128; Redis


前言 使用StackExchange.Redis没有直接相关的方法进行模糊查询的批量删除和修改操作,虽然可以通过Scan相关的方法进行模糊查询,例如:HashScan("hashkey", "*key//Redis的keys模糊查询: 4 " local ks = redis.call('KEYS', @keypattern) " + //local ks为定义一个局部变量().ScriptEvaluate(LuaScript.Prepare( 2 " local ks = redis.call('KEYS', @keypattern)().ScriptEvaluate(LuaScript.Prepare( 2 " local ks = redis.call('hkeys', @hashid) "https://www.cnblogs.com/skig/p/redis-lua-batch.html     .

9/26/2018 297字 ViewCount:2247 Score: 14.854892; Redis

ServiceStack.Redis 破解

ServiceStack.Redis 破解 在github上下载了ServiceStack.Redis,做测试发现有限制,居然从v4开始就收费,无聊时,做了个源码分析 废话不多,上测试代码 try {Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); throw; } 运行到6000时会报错,错误信息如下 The free-quota limit on '6000 Redis

7/4/2016 113字 ViewCount:2295 Score: 14.813351; Redis