背景 从nginx1.9.0开始,新增加了一个stream模块,用来实现四层协议的转发、代理或者负载均衡等 .所以nginx stream模块要nginx 1.9.0后才开始支持. 目前nginx-1.17.3默认已经包含此模块。 比如在内网有一个mysql服务,想暴露到公网上去使用,就可以通过nginx代理的方式通过nginx来进行内网mysql的访问。# vi /opt/apps/nginx/conf/nginx.conf …… …… events { use epoll; 可以看到我们现在可以通过nginx代理的端口访问到内网的mysql服务了。这也直接避免了mysql直接暴露到公网,增加些许的安全。
10/20/2020 209字 ViewCount:1654 Score: 12.061793; Nginx以上两个办法都跟nginx没什么关系,下面来说说用nginx该如何处理: 3) ip_hash nginx中的ip_hash技术能够将某个ip的请求定向到同一台后端,这样一来这个ip下的某个客户端和某个后端就能建立起稳固的ip_hash要求nginx一定是最前端的服务器,否则nginx得不到正确ip,就不能根据ip作hash。方式,配合nginx自己的一个userid_module模块就可以用nginx自发一个cookie,可参见userid模块的英文文档:http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpUserIdModule二、nginx做负载均衡,怎么在有宕机情况出现时保证网站的响应速度 基础知识: 1. nginx做负载均衡时,默认每台服务器的权重相等。重新加载nginx的配置文件,或者重启nginx,就能解决问题。 ..
3/31/2018 1213字 ViewCount:2356 Score: 11.155308; Nginx-390:~$ dpkg --get-selections|grep nginx nginx install nginx-commoninstall nginx-core install6 1.4 删除1.3查询出与nginx有关的软件 sudo apt-get --purge remove nginxsudo apt-get --purge remove nginx-common sudo apt-get --purge remove nginx-core3 这样就可以完全卸载掉nginx包括配置文件2.查看nginx正在运行的进程,如果有就kill掉 ps -ef |grep nginx 看下nginx还有没有启动,一般执行完1后,nginx还是启动着的,如下: [email protected] nginx进程 sudo kill -9 7875 7876 7877 7879 4.全局查找与nginx相关的文件 sudo find / -name nginx*
7/24/2016 140字 ViewCount:2190 Score: 10.678924; NginxReplacing nginx with YARP FastGateway ,基于Kestrel+Yarp实现的网关,用于代替Nginx的网关 https://gitee.com/hejiale010426/FastGateway/releases blog:.
3/10/2024 14字 ViewCount:268 Score: 10.67544; YARPnginx POST request becomes GET.Step 1:Check nginx -V first, maybe you already have the HttpDavModule nginx version: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu/nginx-1.14.0=.--conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf --http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access.log --error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log --lock-path=/var/lock/nginx.lock --pid-path=/run/nginx.pid --modules-path=/usr/lib/nginx
8/26/2020 0字 ViewCount:2661 Score: 10.641556; NginxYou can use NGINX as a Reverse Proxy/Load Balancer for several Apache / Lighttpd nodes.Each pair of NGINX LBs can be identified using custom headers as well as internal nodes.Reload nginx: # /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload Step 2:Test It Simply use curl as follows: $ curl -I example.com Sample outputs: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 10:
10/19/2020 0字 ViewCount:1404 Score: 10.611439; Nginxhttp://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1834459124_1_1.html Nginx 变量漫谈(八) Nginx 变量漫谈(七) Nginx 变量漫谈(六) Nginx 变量漫谈(五) Nginx 变量漫谈(四) Nginx 变量漫谈(三) Nginx 变量漫谈(二) Nginx 变量漫谈(一) set$baidumobilespider $http_user_agent; useful links: https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide
1/26/2017 40字 ViewCount:1963 Score: 10.580181; Nginx@vultr:~# systemctl status nginx.service● nginx.service - A high performance web server and a reversenginx[19612]: nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already Apr 24 12:36:1512:36:16 vultr.guest nginx[19612]: nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already&因为曾经修改过nginx配置参数,首先检查nginx配置是否正确 执行检查nginx配置命令 root@vultr:~# nginx -t nginx: the configurationfile /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
4/24/2020 139字 ViewCount:1937 Score: 10.281707; Nginxnginx正向代理就是一个中转站。(一)Nginx 正向代理配置文件: 1.-1.12.1/sbin/nginx -s reload nginx实现代理上网,有三个关键点必须注意,其余的配置跟普通的nginx一样1.增加dns解析resolver 2.增加无server_name(点)后 Nginx 503 错误。HTTPS nginx当正向代理的时候,通过代理访问https的网站会失败,而失败的原因是客户端同nginx代理服务器之间建立连接失败,并非nginx不能将https的请求转发出去
5/13/2016 2054字 ViewCount:4496 Score: 10.22859; NginxNginx with systemctl nginx配置防止爬虫 nginx HTTP Return Codes How to Debug in Nginx How to fix nginxstart nginx To stop Nginx: $ sudo systemctl stop nginx To enable Nginx at boot: $ sudo systemctlenable nginx To disable Nginx at boot: $ sudo systemctl disable nginx To reload the Nginx servicesudo systemctl restart nginx nginx配置防止爬虫 方案1:站点根目录下存放robots.txt文件 方案2: Nginx可以根据User-Agent这个文件在/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html 修改缺省页提示信息 /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html Welcome to nginx
5/8/2016 1261字 ViewCount:3370 Score: 10.213461; Nginx