搜索:MongoDB, 为您找到相关结果约 119条结果, 这是第 0 -10 条。 [搜索用时:35 毫秒]

MongoDb ObjectID series:MongoDb ObjectID

MongoDB 数据集中存放的数据,称之为文档(Document)。每个文档在存放时,都需要有一个ID,而这个 ID 的名称,固定叫 _id,类型是 MongoDB.Bson.ObjectId。当建立映射时,如果给出 _id 字段,则 MongoDB 会采用这个 ID 做为这个文档的 ID ,如果不给出,MongoDB 会自动添加一个 _id 字段。在使用上是完全一样的。MongoDB在保存时,会将这个 topic_id 转成 _id 保存到数据集中。    using MongoDB.Bson; using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes; namespace Nop.CoreMongoDB在保存时,会将这个 topic_id 转成 _id 保存到数据集中。

2/16/2021 331字 ViewCount:1565 Score: 13.98357; MongoDB

Mongodb error:MongoDB loads but breaks, returning code=exited, status=14

mongodb data files in /var/lib/mongodb directory..and the dbpath entry in /etc/mongodb.conf was /var/lib/mongodb..now when i start the mongodb using sudo service mongodb start..mongodb/这个目录的所有者必须是 mongodb,可以使用这个命令修复: sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb * drwxr-xr-x 4 mongodb mongodb    tail -50 /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log     read mongodb log i am getting

11/12/2020 93字 ViewCount:2127 Score: 13.275984; MongoDB

Mongodb error repair

articles/73203 http://www.alexbevi.com/blog/2016/02/10/recovering-a-wiredtiger-collection-from-a-corrupt-mongodb-installationarchives/2214 http://www.alexbevi.com/blog/2016/02/10/recovering-a-wiredtiger-collection-from-a-corrupt-mongodb-installationutm_source=blogxgwz1 https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/190172/mongodb-wiredtiger-error-collection-wt-does-not-appear-to-be-a-wiredtiger-fil          https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2404742/how-to-install-mongodb-on-windows

10/28/2018 0字 ViewCount:1898 Score: 12.784303; MongoDB

a list of CMS based on MongoDB

CMS based on MongoDB Currently MongoDB is becoming very popular and more CMS based on this are developedSome of the most used CMS based on MongoDB are : CalipsoCalipso is a fast flexible and simple NodeJSLocomotiveLocomotiveCMS is a simple but powerful CMS based on liquid templates and mongodb database.MongoPressMongoPress is built on top of PHP and MongoDB which is an instantly scalable, incredibly flexibleRubedoRubedo is an open source content management system based on Zend Framework and MongoDB which has

11/3/2015 0字 ViewCount:2859 Score: 12.759769; MongoDB

MongoDB C++ Driver

mongoDB有两个接口库:mongo-c-driver和mongo-cxx-driver。前者是c代码接口库,后者是c++代码接口库,是在mongo-c-driver的基础上进行二次封装。1.1、mongo-c-driver:c代码接口库 下载链接:https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver 最新版本:mongo-c-driver、mongo-cxx-driver:c++代码接口库,是在mongo-c-driver的基础上进行二次封装 下载链接:https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver最新版本:MongoDB C++11 Driver 3.4.0 注意:此库需要boost支持 Introduction The MongoDB C++ Driver is the officialdoc https://docs.mongodb.com/drivers/cxx/ Source Code  https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver

1/3/2021 81字 ViewCount:1643 Score: 12.697996; c++ MongoDB

Mongodb error:mongodb 安装错解决修复过程实战记录(Ubuntu )

一、系统环境 os:阿里云ubuntu18.04 64位 mongodb 4.2 storageEngine:wiredTiger 二、ErrorMessage 1./lib/systemd/system/mongodb.service 文件不存在 Creating Systemd service file https://github.com/droppanel/examples/blob/master/mongodb/ubuntu/install.default.sh 2.[sudo] chown mongodb.mongodb -R /var/lib/mongodb   https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51184838/mongodb-can-not-start-by-the-command-service-mongod-start  .

11/24/2019 15字 ViewCount:2218 Score: 12.680647; MongoDB

MongoDB performance optimization 2:Querying MongoDB with LINQ in a Server-Side

MongoDB performance optimization 2:Querying MongoDB with LINQ in a Server-Side..

1/24/2018 0字 ViewCount:1751 Score: 12.543222; MongoDB

How to uninstall MongoDB 7.0 on Ubuntu 22.04*64 如何在Ubuntu上完全卸载MongoDB

How to  uninstall MongoDB 7.0 on Ubuntu 22.04*64 在卸载MongoDB之前,首先要停止正在运行的MongoDB实例 ps -ef | grepmongo sudo service mongod stop sudo killall mongod   卸载MongoDB软件包 sudo apt-get purge mongodb-org* 删除数据目录 sudo rm -r /var/lib/mongodb 删除日志目录 sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb 删除配置文件 sudo rm /etc/mongod.conf

9/10/2024 46字 ViewCount:138 Score: 12.492119; Database Ubuntu MongoDB

Mongodb实战系列(1)-Mongodb GUI常用的客户端汇总

1.MongoCola国人自己c#写的客户端,可学习如何操作mongodb https://github.com/magicdict/MongoCola 2.mongobooster (using)http://3t.io/mongochef/   4.RoboMongo 支持3.2 https://robomongo.org/ 5.NoSQL Manager for MongoDBSupports all popular databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, Teradata, MongoDBetc. http://dbeaver.jkiss.org/ 7.Robo 3T – is a third party tool which provides a lightweight MongoDB

5/9/2016 44字 ViewCount:2006 Score: 12.462638; MongoDB


一、释放mongodb进程占用的内存 1.用top命令查看系统占用内存的情况  top -p $(pidof mongod) output: top - 10:52:52 up 5 days20 0 2364068 786760 8804 S 0.3 19.5 76:05.24 mongod   2.强行收回内存办法 对于主要是写入的数据库,mongodb/etc/mongod.conf必须按 YAML参数格式修改配置文件,否则MongoDB启动会失败。 # Where and how to store data./blob/master/templates/mongodb/config/mongod.conf.j2 (3)配置完成后重启MongoDB。8G"})   MongoDB 内存用在哪 https://mongoing.com/archives/8781 参考链接:https://docs.mongodb.com/manual

9/24/2018 244字 ViewCount:2890 Score: 12.379714; MongoDB Ubuntu