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基于云开发制作名片识别小程序 一、开发前需准备的工作 How to get the AppID key and Secret Key? 已经申请小程序,获取小程序 AppID 在小程序管理后台中,[设置] -> [开发设

12/23/2018 1053字 ViewCount:2068 Score: 13.840703; Wechat Cloud MiniProgram

How to Set Kestrel Console Output Color from ILogger in Asp .Net Core

set-kestrel-output-color-from-ilogger 2.How to add custom Console Output Color logging in ASP.NETCore http://asp.net-hacker.rocks/2017/05/05/add-custom-logging-in-aspnetcore.html  . 3.

8/10/2018 0字 ViewCount:2653 Score: 13.090602; ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core Logging

How to add custom Console Output Color logging in ASP.NET Core

ColorConsoleLoggerProvider Colorful.Console is a C# library that wraps around the System.Console class ASP.NETdon't like the built-in logging, you are able to plug in your own logger or an existing logger like log4netneeded to create a logger instance per category, but this makes sense for some Loggers, like NLog or log4netthat writes the entries to a database, log file or whatever or just add an existing logger to your ASP.NET

8/10/2018 0字 ViewCount:9256 Score: 13.012194; ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core Logging

How to Globalization and localization Asp.Net Core application

;ResourceReader were architected to improve productivity when developing localized apps in ASP.NETCookieRequestCultureProvider Production apps will often provide a mechanism to set the culture with the ASP.NET

11/16/2018 0字 ViewCount:2312 Score: 12.930093; ASP.NET Core Globalization and localization

How to Prevent Kestrel from logging to Console in ASP.NET Core 2.2

With .NET Core, you can easily setup a web server that listens to localhost.

12/20/2018 0字 ViewCount:1370 Score: 12.829419; ASP.NET Core Logging

Maximize the Performance of Your .NET Application With This Optimization Guide

.NET Performance Optimization: Everything You Need To Know