completion使用 安装ik中文分词器: 安装拼音分词器: 定义关键词索引并自定义ik+pinyin分词器,要完成补全搜索,必须要用到特殊的数据类型completion,要汉字拼音都能补全,必须要使用自定义的ik+pinyin分词器。 "settings": { "number_of_replicas": 0, "number_of_shards": 1, "analysis": "ik_max_word", "filter": ["my_pinyin", "word_delimiter"] } },
5/10/2021 333字 ViewCount:1237 Score: 16.88529; Elasticsearch 7.x on Ubuntu 18.04 x64 Install Elasticsearch 7.x on Ubuntu 18.04 x64 Install IKAnalysis for Elasticsearch 7.x on Ubuntu Error and Configure Elasticsearch 7.x on Ubuntu &
3/3/2019 120字 ViewCount:2591 Score: 16.067812; Elasticsearch分词插件 下载已经编译的版本,elasticsearch-analysis-ik/v7.12.0/ 5、 cd F:\elasticsearch\elasticsearch-7.12.0\plugins\mkdir ik copy F:\googleDownload\elasticsearch-analysis-ik-7.12.0\*.* F:\elasticsearch\elasticsearch-7.12.0\plugins\ik 解压,copy 到F:\elasticsearch\elasticsearch-7.12.0分词插件 下载一编译的版本,elasticsearch-analysis-ik-
6/4/2017 3559字 ViewCount:3513 Score: 15.851973; ElasticsearchSmart Chinese Analysis Plugin (作者 elasticsearch 团队) 简介:lucene默认的中文分词器 ICU AnalysisStempel (Polish) Analysis plugin (作者 elasticsearch 团队) 简介:法文分词器 IK Analysis Plugin (作者 Medcl) 简介:大名鼎鼎的ik分词,都懂的!Mmseg Analysis Plugin (作者 Medcl) 简介:mmseg中文分词 Hunspell Analysis Plugin (作者Analysis Plugin (作者 Medcl) 简介:拼音分词器 String2Integer Analysis Plugin (作者 Medcl)
10/23/2015 1239字 ViewCount:2355 Score: 14.856796; Elasticsearch首先,由于分词ik不能识别股票名称(不能正确分词),即使添加了同义词词典也无法检索到,所以需要在拓展词库中添加全部股票名称。39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 { "settings": { "index" : { "analysis" : { "analyzer" : { "my_analyzer" : { "tokenizer" : "my_ik", "filter" : ["my_stop","synonym"]," : "synonym.txt" }, "my_stop":{ "type":"stop", "stopwords":"_none_" } }, "tokenizer":{ "my_ik":{ "type":"ik_max_word", "enable_lowercase":true } } } } }, "mappings":{ "news":{ //类型名,这里为
5/6/2021 683字 ViewCount:1273 Score: 13.752783; ElasticsearchWebPageTest This site speed testing tool called WebPageTest provides an in-depth analysis of your site It also provides a full optimization checklist with detailed analysis, Waterfall view, contentGTmetrix GTmetrix is a useful tool that provides an in-depth analysis of the many speed parameters.A detailed page analysis also analyses the content size and type and server code responses.
10/27/2020 0字 ViewCount:2609 Score: 8.133399; Mobileare a number of different file categories that Disk Cleanup targets when performing the initial disk analysis
5/12/2018 0字 ViewCount:1809 Score: 6.44288; Website Tools15.0.18390.0SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) 16.100.46521.71Microsoft Analysis
1/24/2023 26字 ViewCount:1512 Score: 6.0364766; Nopcommerce Nopcommerce 4.x .NET 7.x Website SetupNgram分词的官方文档地址:<pre name="code" class="javascript">/index_name/ { "settings": { "analysis
3/18/2018 622字 ViewCount:3136 Score: 5.986518; Global Site Tag的不同版本解析
1/16/2021 475字 ViewCount:1776 Score: 5.537486; Website Tools