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ASP.NET Core Blazor(1):ASP.NET Core Blazor resources

SSR & Blazor WebAssembly & Blazor Server ASP.NET Core Blazor专题之 Blazor WebAssembly PWA ASP.NETCore Blazor专题之 Blazor WebAssembly PWA ASP.NET Core Blazor专题之 Blazor WebAssembly PWA ASP.NET Core Blazor专题之 Blazor WebAssembly PWA ASP.NET Core Blazor专题之 Blazor WebAssembly PWA ASP.NET Core Blazor专题之 BlazorWebAssembly PWA ASP.NET Core Blazor专题之 Blazor WebAssembly PWA ASP.NET Core Blazor专题之 Blazor WebAssemblyPWA ASP.NET Core Blazor专题之 Blazor WebAssembly PWA ASP.NET Core Blazor专题之 Blazor WebAssembly PWA JavaScript

4/27/2018 295字 ViewCount:3312 Score: 14.359247; ASP.NET Core Blazor .Net Core 3.x

New features compared from ASP.NET Core 1.0 and ASP.NET Core 9.0

ASP.NET Core UI solution      ASP.NET Core Razor Pages      ASP.NET.x .Net  core 5.x .Net  core 3.x .Net Core 2.x Quick summary of what’s new in ASP.NET  ASP.NET Core 5.0基于.NET 5.0,但保留名称“ Core”以避免将其与ASP.NET MVC 5混淆。Core RC2May 18, 2016In "ASP.NET Core" Quick summary of what’s new in ASP.NET Core 2.1FebruaryMay 16, 2017In ".NET Core" ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core 2.0 .

6/20/2017 139字 ViewCount:2556 Score: 14.182926; ASP.NET Core

Log ASP.NET Core Request and Response Middleware in Asp .Net Core

Logging Mechanism To keep thing simple and focused, I am using the built in Logger that is shipped with ASP.NET  .Net 6.x The HTTP logging middleware in ASP.NET Core 6 can be used to log requests and responsesin your ASP.NET 6 applications.step 1.create a .NET Core library project To start, create a .NET Core library (the project type is  step 2. reference ASP.NET Core  in .NET Core library project To reference ASP.NET Core,

1/18/2018 0字 ViewCount:11801 Score: 13.867297; ASP.NET Core Middleware

ASP.NET Core 资源整理

 .net core 博客 1.https://damienbod.com/aspnetcore/ 各类asp .net core 的英文博客,更新速度很快 2.点部落 www.dotblogs.com.tw  三、asp .net core 项目 1.https://github.com/freeboygirl 收集的各种asp .net core 项目  2.asp .Net coreCMS (1)http://git.oschina.net/ayzhanglei/DanaZhangCms 使用 DotNet Core 开发的一款简单的CMS使用的主要技术ASP.Net Core1.0.0Entity Framework Core 1.0.0SQLite v3ASP.Net MVC Core 1.0.0 .NET Core 跨平台CMS (2)Weapsy  httpsmy blog using a new stack of web technologies including: ASP.NET Core 1.0 RTM Entity Framework Core

6/18/2016 49字 ViewCount:1754 Score: 13.78558; ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core SignalR Client

ASP.NET Core SignalR .NET Client ASP.NET Core 3.x SignalR .NET Client .NET 客户端 SignalR ASP.NET Coreview=aspnetcore-3.1&tabs=visual-studio ASP.NET Core 5.x SignalR .NET Client https://docs.microsoft.comview=aspnetcore-5.0&tabs=visual-studio ASP.NET Core 8.x SignalR .NET Client https://learn.microsoft.comview=aspnetcore-8.0&tabs=netcore-cli   ASP.NET Core SignalR JavaScript client https://docs.microsoft.com-7-signalr/   ASP.NET Core SignalR Java client https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/signalr

1/20/2020 3字 ViewCount:2367 Score: 13.705935; ASP.NET Core 3.x ASP.NET Core SignalR

Logging in ASP.NET Core 1

https://codingblast.com/asp-net-core-logging/ Logging in ASP.NET Core 1 Logging has been a built-infeature since the first release of ASP.NET Core.Good thing about logging is that ASP.NET Core configures it to log internal events from the platform.  ILoggerFactory Key player in ASP.NET Core logging is ILoggerFactory.In one line, it adds file logging to our ASP.NET Core application, which is pretty cool!

7/12/2017 0字 ViewCount:1474 Score: 13.544645; ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core Logging

Google reCAPTCHA in asp.net core

It doesn't need to be something that specifically targets asp.net core  You could use some somethingcore project.http://dotnetthoughts.net/implementing-basic-captcha-in-asp-net-5-mvc-6/ I didn't tried it in ASP.NETCore RTM.I developed it in ASP.NET Beta 6 Days.

12/21/2016 0字 ViewCount:3094 Score: 13.502251; ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core 数据保护(ASP.NET Core Data Protection)

ASP.NET Core 中,为数据保护相关提供了一批新的 API,包括加密解密机制,下面就让我们来看看吧。ASP.NET Core 中的数据保护 Web应用程序中经常需要存储一些敏感数据(如用户密码),Windows 系统为桌面程序提供了DPAPI用来使用,但是并不适用于 Web 系统。ASP.NET Core提供了一套简单易用的API 用来保护数据。ASP.NET Core 中,数据保护主要是用来给服务端设计的,用来替换ASP.NET 1.x-4.x中的,machineKey主要是用来保证使用Form身份验证时Cookie数据的加密解密,以确保不会被修改Data Protection 是非对称加密(见前面介绍),所以系统中应该还有一个密钥,那么此处的密钥 ASP.NET Core 在系统内部帮你维护了。

4/24/2017 2324字 ViewCount:1950 Score: 13.48916; ASP.NET Core Data Protection

ASP.NET Core Startup Errors

Table of Content How to capture and log errors in program.cs with ASP.NET Core?1.err message:Invalid non-ASCII or control character in header: 0x914 in asp .net core 2.How to captureand log errors in program.cs with ASP.NET Core(.net 3.x .Net 5.x) 3.How to log startup error messages ASP.NET Core will handle exceptions from inside the Startup class.Summary Debugging startup errors in ASP.NET Core is a simple case of finding the exception.

8/28/2018 0字 ViewCount:1807 Score: 13.343694; ASP.NET Core Error Handling ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core Blazor Server 5.x file uploads and ASP.NET Core Web API

Table of content ASP.NET Core Blazor server file uploads  UI  Call a web API from ASP.NETCore Blazor Server   ASP.NET Core Blazor file uploads https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/master/aspnetcore/blazor/file-uploads/samples/5.x/Components/FileUpload.razor ggg   step 1:ASP.NETlt;/div> <button>Submit</button> </EditForm> step 2:Call a web API from ASP.NETCore Blazor   useful links: Call a web API from ASP.NET Core Blazor https://docs.microsoft.com

1/31/2021 0字 ViewCount:1390 Score: 13.340862; ASP.NET Core Blazor Server 5.x